Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Baby Olympics

I was reading somewhere and seems very correct, that put two parents in a room and sooner or later they start comparing their children. Every one start to portray the accomplishment of their child and want to prove that his/her son/daughter is extra ordinary and more active than others. This comparison is called "The Baby Olympics". Everyone wants to earn as much points as possible in this Olympics.

All the parents must have (Consciously or subconsciously) took part in this Olympic :). Bachelors and other people who do not have child are lucky and they have to wait till they do not have their own kids! but yes some of them who want to be a part of this game start giving references of their sister's brother's relative's or friend's child just to prove that boss I also know about the topic, you guys are talking about ;). Everybody in this game want to prove that his/her son/daughter is superman/woman or god. I heard some of them even saying their child started crawling at the age of 4 months and talking at the age of 7 months because her child is an extra ordinary or lord Krishna :).

I think all of us who reads a lot in internet or books about babies (Not only mothers, some fathers like me too) know that every child has their own pace of development and this is not the scale of any baby's extraordinaire or activeness. Albert Einstein start talking after he was 4 YEARS old, but I don't think he was less than any other in that era even in present too. So just to let you know that if your child is not doing something which her peer is able to do then do not take tension, sooner or later all of them will be in the same page.

Peer pressure is always depraved for the one who took it, then why to give the same to our own kids? If we compare our kids with others , then it can seed jealousy in them which is different than healthy competition. We all should definitely showcase the achievements of our kids with our near ones but there is a thin line between this and comparisons which we have to understand and need to come out of that. If we cannot do it then how can we give the right values to our kids. Always remember our kids will learn most from us so: if we cannot share, we are not pure, not rigid with our values, then forget that our child will able to plant them, in their conduct.

Sharing some points of Bad Parenting (word to word) which I read somewhere:

1)      If the child intentionally disturbs you , it means you are not affectionate to them physically.
2)      If your child is lying, it means you over reacted to the mistakes in past.
3)      If your child has poor self-esteem, it’s because you advised more than encouraged them.
4)      If your children don’t stand up for themselves, means you discipline them too frequently, in front of others.
5)      You buy everything to your children: still they take things which don’t belong to them, the reason is you don’t let them choose.
6)      If your child is coward, it’s because you helped them quickly. Don’t remove every obstacle from their path.
7)      If your child is jealous, the reason might be you compared them with others consistently.
8)      If your child gets angry quickly, the reason might be you have not praised them enough.
9)      If your child doesn’t feel others feelings, the reason might be you always order them not giving importance to their feelings.
10)  If your child is secretive the reason might be you blow things very big.
11)  If the child behaves rudely, it is learnt from parents or others living with them.

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Name Sake

Usually I found blogs about children written by their Moms but I may be the first or one of the rarest fathers who are writing this blog about child :). It may be due to because I am fascinated by my son or I spent most of my time with him. The intention about this blog is how we come up with this name of our son “AVYAAN” as many people ask this questions from us.

As we resides in India where information about the gender of child is not given and also considered to be a criminal offense so obviously we do not know about if god is giving us a princess or a son but intuition of my wife (Anwesha) was very clear that we will be blessed with a son so as usual we (Read it as “I”) were very captivated to finding the names. You know really this is a very good mental exercise and really I enjoyed it a lot. We(I) browsed websites, books, news papers, Television serials to get a good and unique name which should sound good not only with our surname “Mishra” but also with the Army designations like Caption, Lieutenant, Lt. Colonel etc. :) (My college and school friends may know the background behind it). I know with this above sentence I have unlocked a new discussion topic that how you can force your dreams on your child (Like VIRUS in 3-Idiots  a Bollywood movie), but that’s what I am. :P.

In the exercise of finding names we came across approx. 15 boys name and only 2 Girls name ( As we were moving with my better half’s instinct). Now the final name has to be from Arsh Mishra (As Arsh means Sky and My name also means the same and Anwesha want’s that too) or Anvay Mishra. Obviously then question arises -From where this Avyaan came in existence? I don’t know but I was not fully convinced with above two names so I was still searching the names. We want an unique name so we were not convinced with currently famous name like Ayaan etc, so I started putting some letters in between like BHI, Bh, dh, r, n, v etc. after putting v it sounds me like a one which sounds good to my ear, so I started browsing the websites where I found the meaning of the same (So you can imagine that first we create the name and then understood the meaning :) ) now after the birth of the child on 28 may 2015 our PoC (Proof of concept regarding women intuition) was proved and we were blessed with Avyaan. I transmit the names Avyaan, Arsh and Anvay in Family group and friends for the feedbacks. Most of the feedbacks were good so finally our boy got his name on the same day of birth.  

Now the meaning of Avyaan:
Avyaan meaning in Hindi and Sanskrit is : Perfect ( A + Vyaan) where "A" means "not" and "VYAAN" came from a sanskrit word called VYANGA which means "Imperfection" so Avyaan = Without any imperfection = Perfect.

Avyaan is also Hindu Lord Ganesha's one name. Lot of readers of this blog said that it is also a Lord Vishnu name.  ॐ अ व्यानाय  नमः  is a shloka which I heard in Shirdi Deva Sthanam.