Monday, January 11, 2016

The Name Sake

Usually I found blogs about children written by their Moms but I may be the first or one of the rarest fathers who are writing this blog about child :). It may be due to because I am fascinated by my son or I spent most of my time with him. The intention about this blog is how we come up with this name of our son “AVYAAN” as many people ask this questions from us.

As we resides in India where information about the gender of child is not given and also considered to be a criminal offense so obviously we do not know about if god is giving us a princess or a son but intuition of my wife (Anwesha) was very clear that we will be blessed with a son so as usual we (Read it as “I”) were very captivated to finding the names. You know really this is a very good mental exercise and really I enjoyed it a lot. We(I) browsed websites, books, news papers, Television serials to get a good and unique name which should sound good not only with our surname “Mishra” but also with the Army designations like Caption, Lieutenant, Lt. Colonel etc. :) (My college and school friends may know the background behind it). I know with this above sentence I have unlocked a new discussion topic that how you can force your dreams on your child (Like VIRUS in 3-Idiots  a Bollywood movie), but that’s what I am. :P.

In the exercise of finding names we came across approx. 15 boys name and only 2 Girls name ( As we were moving with my better half’s instinct). Now the final name has to be from Arsh Mishra (As Arsh means Sky and My name also means the same and Anwesha want’s that too) or Anvay Mishra. Obviously then question arises -From where this Avyaan came in existence? I don’t know but I was not fully convinced with above two names so I was still searching the names. We want an unique name so we were not convinced with currently famous name like Ayaan etc, so I started putting some letters in between like BHI, Bh, dh, r, n, v etc. after putting v it sounds me like a one which sounds good to my ear, so I started browsing the websites where I found the meaning of the same (So you can imagine that first we create the name and then understood the meaning :) ) now after the birth of the child on 28 may 2015 our PoC (Proof of concept regarding women intuition) was proved and we were blessed with Avyaan. I transmit the names Avyaan, Arsh and Anvay in Family group and friends for the feedbacks. Most of the feedbacks were good so finally our boy got his name on the same day of birth.  

Now the meaning of Avyaan:
Avyaan meaning in Hindi and Sanskrit is : Perfect ( A + Vyaan) where "A" means "not" and "VYAAN" came from a sanskrit word called VYANGA which means "Imperfection" so Avyaan = Without any imperfection = Perfect.

Avyaan is also Hindu Lord Ganesha's one name. Lot of readers of this blog said that it is also a Lord Vishnu name.  ॐ अ व्यानाय  नमः  is a shloka which I heard in Shirdi Deva Sthanam.


  1. Awesome explanation of name for your perfect gift of life :-)


  2. Very Interesting story guyss :-) abhi to bas shuruaat hai ... carry on ur hardwork to make many more unique decisions to bring more excitement, fun & happiness to ur son's life. enjoy Parenting! Good Luck ! lots of love to Avyaan :-)

  3. Very Interesting story guyss :-) abhi to bas shuruaat hai ... carry on ur hardwork to make many more unique decisions to bring more excitement, fun & happiness to ur son's life. enjoy Parenting! Good Luck ! lots of love to Avyaan :-)

  4. Awesome blog and explanation of the unique name of your son.Admirable!!

  5. hi Akash,

    how do you know Avyan is lord ganesh name?

    1. Hi Venkana, I read it somewhere when I done the research but I may be wrong and lots of readers are saying that it is Lord Vishnu's name so you may need more research if you are planning this name for someone.

    2. Yes it belongs to lord Ganesh name.
      ॐ अभ्भ्यान गृहे नम:

    3. Thank you for research and putting out here which will be helpful for others who want to name their kids as Avyaan or Avyan

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We named our son Avyaan as well. We also wanted a unique name. Funny part is our last name is Misra.

    1. Hey Tejal nice to see one more Avyaan Misra and congratulations!

  8. As per my knowledge avyaan is vishnu ji's name

    1. We named our son Avyan which means lord vishnu. Single A in Avyan means lord Vishnu &double A in means lord Ganesha but the meanings are same...😊

    2. Thank you Pallavi for the clarification! I think it is all about pronouncing the name but any ways congratulation for Avyan Mathur and lots of love to him!

  9. How do u pronounce avyan? For lord vishnu meaning?

    1. Its totally on you either you can pronounce it as Av+yn or Av+ya+aa+n

  10. I loved the post. My sons name is also Avyaan Misra.

  11. how do you pronounce it. is it avyaan अवयान or aavyaan आवयान thanks for the help.

  12. Its totally on you either you can pronounce it as Av+yn or Av+ya+aa+n. We pronounce it as अव्यान

  13. Hi ,
    My son is Avyaan ( DOB Feb 2010).I have gone through lots of research for his name and I wanna correct u that Avyaan is name of Lord Vishnu.

    1. Thank you Shikha for the clarification yes I got to know from one the readers Pallavi that avyan means Lord Vishnu.

  14. I loved the post. My sons name is also Avyaan shrivastava

  15. Very confusing in hindi what is actual name in hindi अव्यन अव्यान or आव्यं in english avyan is ok .my wife chooses this name for my son.

  16. Thank you Ansh and lots of love to Avyaan Shrivastava

  17. I m curious,how will you write name in hindi. It should be आव्यां so if we derive it in English it will be AAVYAAN

    I too got fascinated by this name and had researched.
    Also, I found it to be of lord Vishnu name, Lord Ganesh name is only specified by you

    Please comment based on your findings :)

    1. I write it as अव्यान।
      Frankly regarding God's name somewhere I read it as lord Ganesha's name but in Shirdi I heard a Shloka ॐ अव्यानाय नमः so you have to research if you want to have it for your kid. As I already wrote in my blog that I just put a character and I liked the name and then I tried to found the meaning

  18. On first it's mentioned that it's Lord Ganesha's name. Otherwise on every other site it's written that it's Lord Vishnu's name.. Anyway, even I was looking for a unique name and came across Avyan or avyaan and was considering this name, but now it seems it's not that unique, as lot of people have already chosen this name for their bundle of joy..

    1. Yup you are correct now it is becoming common though not as common as Ayaan, Vihaan, Ahaan etc.

  19. Hi i too named by lill boy as avyaan his name is Avyaan Bhramakrit(both names of lord vishnu and shiva)

  20. Awesome and congratulations to your whole family for having little Avyaan in your life

  21. I and my wife too named our son "Avyaan" after 20 odd days of finding unique names. i got to know this blog only after 6 days of naming him.

    1. Great Praveen congratulations for one more Avyaan in the world!

  22. Avyaan is lord Vishnu's name only 13th name in Vishnu sahasranamam meaning Perfect --without mperfection

    1. Thank you very much for providing your views...Keep contributing

  23. I named my son as AVYAAN. Born on 28 Feb 2020. Bumped to your blog just finding the meaning of AVYAAN.

    1. Congratulations to you and ton of love to little Avyaan

  24. First of all thanks Mishra Ji to help us to give a beautiful name 🙏
    I also named my son as AVYAAN and this blog help to everyone give clarity the meaning of this name it’s doesn’t matter the name is Ganesh Ji or Vishnu Ji , its enough to get know name is on Lords name.
    My boy Born on 15- March -2020
    Thanks to all for putting their lovely views on this name . Worth to read the blog 😊🙏✅

    1. Thank you very much for such a motivational words! Loads of love to little Avyaan

  25. It is a beautiful name.I want to name my son. Can you plz provide reliable source for its meaning? I am unable to find its meaning anywhere else.

    1. I think lot of people have gave their expert opinions ...If you want to have this name then you can consider meaning of Avyaan as perfect

  26. Nice explanation! Our son Name is Avyan Raam. I am a devotee of ram and shiva and searched so much in all kinds of Sanskrit ashtotharas and sahasranamas and found this name from namas avyaya purusha/ avyaya namaha under shiva astotharam and Vishnu Sahasranama and vinayaka ashtotharam too... ! The basic meaning of name is VYAN ( double orange single A) means impure or imperfection. When A added to VYAN it is no imperfections or no impurities. As we believe every god has no impurities it comes to all the gods I guess :) But as we have a proof under particular namas I proudly explain everyone who asks me the meaning and tells them that it is both shiva and Vishnu name :)

    1. There are some type errors plz ignore ... orange ** or
      Ignore is btwn name and VYAN

    2. Wow beautiful name and thanks for contribution. Loads of love to Avyan Raam

  27. What is the difference between both name avyan and avyaan...

    1. Basically meaning is same. It is on you you want to pronounce it.

  28. Is correct spelling is Avyan or Avyaan?

  29. My son name is avyaan goya. Thank u guys for the clarifications.

  30. hi i think avyaan is a fucking name
